Preparing an Abode for God: Christ’s Death as Decontamination
What if the best cultural translation of the concept of atonement is that of cosmic decontamination? And what if the biblical authors – Old Testament and New – wrote from the viewpoint that the… Read more
Hell Anxiety & Attachment Theory
If the gospel we’ve heard does not soothe our deepest fears of being punished and abandoned, but instead increases those fears, it’s not truly good news. For many, what we’ve been taught about Hell… Read more
Responding to the Social Justice Statement
John MacArthur, Justin Peters, Voddie Baucham and others have put out The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel (#SocialJusticeStatement) today. We’re pretty saddened, but not shocked. Here are some thoughts for anyone else… Read more
“You Sound Angry”
One of the most common pieces of critical feedback we receive about the show is that we sound angry. The recent Statement on Social Justice and our reactions to it got Nate and Tim… Read more
Paul’s Ethics of Relinquishing Power and the Letter to Philemon
Paul’s letter to the slavemaster Philemon reveals, if we let it, a window into Paul’s Christian ethics pertaining to power. To Paul, Christians wielding such social power over others must relinquish it in order… Read more
Power, Privilege and the Status of the Firstborn
SIBLING RIVALRY IN THE BOOK OF GENESIS (This paper was originally presented in a seminar on Genesis with Dr. Timothy Mackie at Western Seminary in July, 2018.) Introduction: Adam and Eve (Gen. 2-3) It… Read more
Paul, Power and Gender
Introduction There is a longstanding error in biblical studies of failing to see how Paul’s theology of Christian power informed his theology of gender. References in Paul’s letters to ecclesial order, such as addresses… Read more
Relinquishing Power: A Christian Minister’s Code of Ethics
Jesus said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. It will not be so among you; but whoever wishes to be… Read more