Utterly Heretical
You needed better teaching – Deconstruction Misconceptions
If we’ve questioned or left our faith, does that mean it was never “real”? Do we have to discredit all of those experiences? Could the experience have been real and really lead us to a place outside of orthodox Christianity? Matt…
Your faith must never have been real – Deconstruction Misconceptions
If we’ve questioned or left our faith, does that mean it was never “real”? Do we have to discredit all of those experiences? Could the experience have been real and really lead us to a place outside of orthodox Christianity? Matt…
Exvangelical, Skillet, and Deconstruction
Nate responds to being listed on the Exvangelical Wikipedia page. Does Nate resonate with the term? Shelby and Nate talk about John Cooper of Skillet calling deconstruction “a false religion”. And we talk about how to deconstruct without being a jerk.
What Bible translation should I use?
Is there a translation of the Bible that most accurately reflects the original texts? What even are the original texts? Did Jesus actually say the words in red? Why do Bible translations have to be approved by a committee, and who…
Reasons to not believe in hell
Nate and Shelby share how their past ministry was so focused on hell and reasons they couldn’t keep believing in it.
Are pastors trying to protect their power or not?
Nate and Tim have a mini-debate about how prevalent it is that a pastor abuses their power. Does it happen a lot, more than in the world, or does “ignore your feelings” type of theology just create a breeding ground for…
How do we know right from wrong?
You’ve probably heard christians say “There’s nothing good in me apart from Christ.” Is that true? How do we know right from wrong? How do we hear from God?
Progress & Conservatism
Looking at history, are Christian’s the last ones to get on board with progress or are they the leaders in change? Is the Bible holding some back from making progress? Why do some christians refuse to look at science and data?…
The Problem with David: Why Elevating Him as a Hero is Dangerous
A man after God’s own heart… What does that mean? Often Christian’s lift up David as the example for what a godly human looks like, but is that dangerous? Men’s bible study books are all about the life of King David…
Can you change your mind?
How do we come to change our mind on topics and ideas? What is the next issue that will require brave people to go out front and champion the cause? We discuss all of this right after our chat with Hillary…
The Hedge of Protection
Have you ever heard someone pray for a hedge of protection around someone? Tim talks about where this came from, as Nate and Tim both argue about how high they pictured the hedge being.
How do we pray?
How do Tim and Nate actually pray? Why is it so difficult after deconstruction? We talk honestly about our practices.
Do we need to believe what the biblical writers believed?
The more we understand the worldview that the biblical writers believed (including this weird stuff about divine beings battling, and blood needing to cover us to be in God’s presence) the harder it is to actually believe in 2019. Tim and…
Is Forgiveness Enough? Exploring Justice in Christianity
The world watched as Brandt Jean hugged Amber Guyger, after she was sentenced for killing his brother, Botham. Many Christian’s rushed to share this as the perfect picture of the gospel of Jesus. But is forgiveness the gospel? We talk about…
Should you go to church? (Patreon Teaser)
This is an episode of Utterly Heretical, Nate and Tim’s second podcast for Patreon supporters. They have a candid conversation about the emotionally complicated topic of going to church.
Acts and the Holy Spirit (Part 2)
Are we supposed to return to the supernatural “power” that we see in books like Acts and with the early church? Tim and Nate talk about their early ministry days, Holy Spirit as magic, and more.
What’s up with the Holy Spirit (Part 1)
We talk about our time in ministry in San Francisco and what bugs us about the Holy Spirit.
What should we teach our children? (Part 2)
Parenting when your own faith is changing and evolving can be difficult. How much do you teach your child about God and the Bible? How do you have community if you’re no longer at a church? We discuss these questions.
Parenting after deconstruction (Part 1)
How do we hand a more open faith to our children? Nate and Tim talk about some general ideas they’ve thought through when it comes to parenting. Should we read the Bible to our children? We talk about Harry Potter, LGBTQ…
Tim’s list of ethical advancements
Episode 5 – In episode 69 of Almost Heretical, Tim said he would make a list of all the ways we’ve grown ethically since the Bible was written/edited. Here’s the list and a bit of discussion about it.