The topic of slavery in the Bible is one of the most complex and controversial discussions within biblical scholarship and modern ethics. It triggers tough questions: Does the Bible outright condemn slavery? If not, does that mean God condones it? And perhaps most challenging: What does it mean for the Bible’s authority if it doesn’t explicitly oppose something we recognize today as profoundly immoral?
At Almost Heretical, we believe context is everything, nuance is essential, and the Bible is best understood when we see it clearly as a profoundly human book—written by real people within their historical realities. So let’s deeply explore what the Bible says about slavery, the surrounding historical contexts, and what this means for our understanding of scripture and faith today.
Slavery Passages in the Old Testament
The Law and Slavery
In Exodus 21:2-11, Hebrew servants (often translated as slaves) were to be treated with certain prescribed limits. Male Hebrew slaves were to be freed after six years of service. However, this compassionate provision had limits, particularly regarding female slaves, who did not automatically enjoy the same right to freedom and whose conditions often were harsher and more restrictive.
Leviticus 25:39-55 presents a distinct division between Israelite and foreign slaves, demonstrating a clear ethnic bias. Israelites who became slaves were to be treated humanely and freed after specific durations or conditions. Conversely, non-Israelites could be subjected to lifelong servitude. This passage reflects an entrenched tribalism and societal xenophobia typical of ancient times.
Deuteronomy 15:12-18 revisits the mandate to free Hebrew slaves after six years, underscoring the ethical evolution within Hebrew society towards greater compassion and generosity. Upon liberation, slaves were to receive generous provisions, illustrating a degree of moral advancement in the humane treatment of fellow Israelites.

Troubling Passages
Leviticus 25:44-46 explicitly allows Israelites to own foreign slaves indefinitely, a troubling passage by modern ethical standards. This permanent ownership based on ethnicity starkly contrasts contemporary notions of equality and human rights, illuminating profound human biases present within ancient scriptures.
Exodus 21:20-21 further complicates our understanding by permitting severe physical punishment of slaves without consequence unless the beating resulted in immediate death. This regulation implicitly tolerated harsh physical treatment and , raising significant ethical concerns from our contemporary moral viewpoint.
Historical and Cultural Contexts: Ancient Near East
The ancient Near Eastern contexts significantly shape our understanding of biblical slavery. The Code of Hammurabi (circa 1754 BCE) provides critical comparative insights, demonstrating similarities and contrasts with biblical laws. Hammurabi’s code was sometimes harsher yet also offered clearer pathways for emancipation under specific circumstances, reflecting broader regional legal traditions influencing biblical texts.
Egyptian slavery profoundly impacted Hebrew identity, given that the central narrative of ancient Israelite identity revolves around liberation from Egypt. This creates a paradox when later Hebrew societies still accepted slavery within their own community. The legacy of their liberation narrative thus heavily influenced their cultural identity yet didn’t translate into an outright rejection of the institution of slavery.
Assyrian and Persian influences further contextualize biblical slavery. Both empires extensively practiced slavery, leaving deep imprints on Hebrew law and societal norms during periods of conquest and exile. Consequently, biblical views on slavery weren’t developed in isolation but were deeply shaped by prevailing cultural and imperial norms of powerful neighboring civilizations.
Slavery in the New Testament
The New Testament maintains ambiguity regarding if the Bible condemns slavery. In Ephesians 6:5-9, slaves are instructed to obey their masters with respect, “as you would Christ.” Although masters were urged to treat their slaves kindly, the text notably refrains from condemning the institution itself, implicitly reflecting societal acceptance.
Similarly, Colossians 3:22-25; 4:1 provides guidelines for slaves and masters, focusing on obedience and fairness, respectively. However, the text does not advocate abolition, which highlights early Christianity’s pragmatic navigation of pervasive slavery within Roman society.
Philemon 1:8-21 presents Paul’s personal appeal for Philemon to accept Onesimus, a slave, back as a brother in Christ. Though this appeal subtly challenges traditional master-slave dynamics, it remains confined to an interpersonal level rather than advocating systemic abolition, demonstrating the New Testament’s nuanced yet limited approach to slavery.

Extra-Biblical Perspectives: Insights from Ancient Texts
Extra-biblical texts enrich our understanding of ancient attitudes toward slavery. The Didache, a first-century Christian manual, emphasizes ethical living yet notably does not advocate abolition. This omission underscores the contemporary moral limitations even within early Christian ethical frameworks.
Roman law, particularly the Institutes of Gaius, contextualizes New Testament attitudes by outlining detailed regulations for slavery that shaped early Christian practices. These regulations clarify the pragmatic acceptance and integration of slavery within the early Christian community.
Jewish literature, including the Mishnah and Talmud, predominantly emphasizes improving slaves’ living conditions rather than challenging the institution itself. These texts illustrate evolving ethical sensibilities yet also reveal inherent limitations, indicating the complexities of ancient moral reasoning regarding slavery.
Why Didn’t the Bible Clearly Condemn Slavery?
The absence of biblical condemnation of slavery stems from the cultural normalization of the institution in ancient societies. Biblical authors lived within a context where slavery was rarely questioned. Their writings aimed at incremental humanization of slavery rather than a complete rejection of the institution, reflecting inherent cultural constraints and ethical limitations of their time.
Biblical texts inherently embody the moral and cultural contexts of their human authors. They were not immune to the biases, limitations, and ethical understandings of their era. It is essential to recognize that morality continually evolves, which explains why biblical authors could hold positions we now recognize as morally inadequate or flawed.
Does It Matter if the Bible Condemns Slavery?
At Almost Heretical, we maintain it doesn’t necessarily matter if the Bible explicitly condemns slavery. This perspective emerges from our view of the Bible as fundamentally human, shaped profoundly by its authors’ cultural and historical contexts, reflecting both human insights and limitations.
We also argue for ethics transcending biblical literalism. Even if biblical authors accepted slavery, this acceptance does not represent God’s ultimate moral vision. Ethics must continually evolve toward greater justice, compassion, and love, beyond what ancient texts explicitly command or condone.
Scripture, rather than offering unambiguous moral absolutes, invites readers into ethical wrestling and critical discernment. This approach respects the Bible’s complexity and encourages deeper moral reflection rather than passive literal adherence.
Engaging the Bible Responsibly Today
Modern believers must engage scripture responsibly, acknowledging both its historical context and contemporary ethical implications. Simplistic readings must be avoided, and instead, scripture’s complexities should serve as an impetus for ethical introspection and deeper moral engagement.
Rather than dismissing scripture due to its moral shortcomings, believers can allow these limitations to foster deeper, morally nuanced engagement. Wrestling with difficult passages can yield profound insights, leading to greater ethical maturity and compassion.
Conclusion: Does the Bible condemn slavery?
So, does the Bible condemn slavery? The Bible’s failure to explicitly condemn slavery invites a profound ethical reflection on its nature and authority. Recognizing its human limitations offers deeper insights into scripture’s role and relevance today.
Ultimately, biblical ambiguity on slavery challenges readers toward moral maturity: discerning wisely, questioning boldly, and committing courageously to justice and compassion, despite scriptural complexities. At Almost Heretical, this complex engagement with scripture fosters ethical growth, maturity, and transformative compassion.